Report shows California’s homeless population jumped nearly 14 percent from 2016 to 2017
While hardly conservative, California punk band the Dead Kennedys have proved oddly prescient over the years in ways slightly different than they might have expected.
No, Jerry Brown didn’t become “führer one day” as the band predicted in the song “California Über Alles.” He does still reign over the People’s Republic of California, however, and — much like their song “Moon Over Marin” — the state’s looking a bit dystopian.
Again, it wasn’t the way the DK’s planned. The 1982 song predicted California becoming an environmentalist disaster area (“Another tanker’s hit the rocks / Abandoned to spill out its guts / The sand is laced with sticky glops … I squish dead fish between my toes / Try not to step on any bones / I turn around and I go home”), a popular motif in the 1980s.